Tuesday 30 November 2021

[New post] Pressed

sojournertracy posted: " Feeling pressed Time marches on and my list doesn't seem to be getting any shorter! I know it will all work out in the end, but at the moment I'm feeling a little pressed. Not completely overwhelmed, but aware that there's a lot to do.  An"

[New post] Scrooge and The Ghosts

activatelearning posted: " Photo by Lisa on Pexels.com I signed up to receive Meredith Lewis (@dangerousmere) advent calendar email which sends out daily prompts for December to inspire some creativity. Given that I enjoy everything that Meredith creates, I thought when I can,"

[New post] Gallimaufries and Great Stinks, Foggy Forests, and Quick-Witted Musicians

JDC posted: " Around the time stories were popping up everywhere about the disgusting situations caused by companies releasing untreated sewage into England's waterways and the sea, I came across this picture book that those in the UK government could learn something "

[New post] It’s a #SECRETSANTA party!

Peggy Jaeger posted: " Hey, peeps. Come join me and 150+ authors this Friday, December 3rd, over on DangerouslyDarkDarlings on Facebook for a Secret Santa party. We'll be there all day chatting about the upcoming holidays, giving away prizes, and generally having a fun ti"

[New post] 144 – Lunchtime people waiting at the sluice

Art-Chap-Enjoin posted: " I have been scanning some of my old sketchbooks. I started sketching regularly (but not every day like I do now) in an A5 sketchbook in 1991 when I lived in the UK and after I went to a summer art school. This one was done in Bath at the sluice gate "